Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cause a Scene

Having quality content in a media/press kit is important. I think we can all agree to that, but what about packaging? Just because the content is good, does not mean that slipping releases into a manila folder and putting it in the mail is sufficient. The folks over at PR Couture provided an excellent short article for Cause a Scene magazine about the importance of making your press materials really stand out, especially in competitive markets. This article focuses on the fashion industry, but I feel like the principles can be applied to all around.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A look at People's Revolution

Browsing through my classmates' blogs this evening has inspired me to post once more instead of doing my Newspaper Design assignment. Call it procrastinating or what have you, but after I read My Dream Job from Brittany I had to do a quick post about People's Revolution. Please go and check out Kelly Cutrone's, the firm's founder, interview with Nylon Magazine. It's a little outdated, but I love what People's Revolution is all about and wanted to share it with all of you. Working in that kind of firm is certainly something I aspire to.

That's all.


It's an easy mistake to make...

...but PR practitioners are not to be confused with "publicists" according to Luca Penati's (from TechPRNibbles*) post on the matter. He discusses these differences at length saying, "PR is much more than media relations or pitching bloggers," in reference to the job descriptions of "publicists". Penati outlines the intricate work involved within the field and how it expands beyond reaching the audiences hit by the media and blogs but to all of the stakeholders and investors as well. He is a firm believer in the "ever-changing landscape" of PR and the importance of strategies within campaigns.

Reading this piece really served as the proverbial Windex to my dirty windows. It cleared up a few questions I had about the field in a straightforward fashion. Give it a read and let me know what you think.


Monday, August 25, 2008

So It Begins...

Hello everyone and welcome to Publicly Poised. I have worked with personal blogs before, but this will be my first leap into the world of professional blogging. New entries will be available at least twice a week so check in often. Happy reading!

Thank you for visiting,
Amanda Cepero