Thursday, November 20, 2008


She's 14 years old and her name is Kristen Prim. Miss Prim is the editor and chief of prim. magazine-a homegrown effort that just recently turned tangible with the first printed issue coming out last month. It's truly amazing that someone so young can have such an impressive grasp on the in's and out's of producing a magazine and filling it with articles and features that appeal to a wide range of readers. I know I enjoy reading the magazine and have even considered trying my hand at pitching a story her way (if she'll have me). If you all have some extra time to surf around the interwebs, I recommend going by her blog, Not So Prim and Proper or checking out the magazine (just follow the link above). It's excellent work and the content is terribly interesting. Please check it out.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Interview Ensem.


After hearing the words and thoughts concerning interview attire from Carlos Campos, our most recent guest speaker in PR Administration, I went on the lookout for something that I could wear to an interview without feeling as though I was compromising my personal style.

Found it.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stuck on Paste.

My visit to Paste Magazine was this past Friday (November 4) and despite our mildly late arrival, the trip was a success. Upon entering the gloriously open and laid back office I was instantly relieved that places like this, truly did exist.

We had a short conference with Palmer Houchins the New Media Marketing Manager for the publication before taking our tour and he gave us some insight on pitching stories as freelance writers to get our names out and build up a resume. I know this is a PR blog, but I definitely feel as though plenty of the advice he gave can be applied to pitching a campaign, and you never know when money will get tight and you have to find a little bit of extra work to keep the food on the table, right?

The following are the notes I jotted:
- Always over e-mail.
-- No one will answer your phone call.
-- Address the editor by name.
-- Identify yourself.
-- How long is the story?
-- When can you have it in?
- Keep the pitch to a paragraph or two.
- Don't pitch doing a feature on someone you know.
- Consition is a virtue.
- Do it in a style and a voice that fits the publication.
- Subject and publication should reflect in the tone.
- Always be yourself.
- Don't be afraid to hear "no." You will hear it a lot.
- Just because you hear "no" once doesn't mean you are banned for life.

Hope this proves to be helpful.

*Please pardon the gush sesh: Paste Magazine headquarters are where it's at. There's music and a good positive energy everywhere. Everyone seems to be really laid back and into what they are doing. There isn't a single cubicle in the whole place and the dresscode all about what you're comfortable in. drooldrooldrool*
