Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A look at People's Revolution

Browsing through my classmates' blogs this evening has inspired me to post once more instead of doing my Newspaper Design assignment. Call it procrastinating or what have you, but after I read My Dream Job from Brittany I had to do a quick post about People's Revolution. Please go and check out Kelly Cutrone's, the firm's founder, interview with Nylon Magazine. It's a little outdated, but I love what People's Revolution is all about and wanted to share it with all of you. Working in that kind of firm is certainly something I aspire to.

That's all.



Ginger Carter Miller said...

Wonderful stuff. This is a dream you can achieve, I have no doubt.

Brittany Price said...

if you ever get to work at people's revolution, will you tell whitney hi for me?! i love her!