Thursday, November 20, 2008


She's 14 years old and her name is Kristen Prim. Miss Prim is the editor and chief of prim. magazine-a homegrown effort that just recently turned tangible with the first printed issue coming out last month. It's truly amazing that someone so young can have such an impressive grasp on the in's and out's of producing a magazine and filling it with articles and features that appeal to a wide range of readers. I know I enjoy reading the magazine and have even considered trying my hand at pitching a story her way (if she'll have me). If you all have some extra time to surf around the interwebs, I recommend going by her blog, Not So Prim and Proper or checking out the magazine (just follow the link above). It's excellent work and the content is terribly interesting. Please check it out.



Lynn Versluys PR said...

I do not understand how you find out about these things. You are such a maven my love. That is incredible that she has a magazinea at that age or any age I would have no idea how to even break into that scene. Somehow that gives me hope that if you really put your mind to something you really can do it. Great post, I always enjoy your insite into fashion.

Amanda Cepero said...

i spend a lot of time sifting through different blogs and i just stumble upon these little treasures.

her magazine is certainly a source of inspiration. we can do anything we want to if we're dedicated and passionate enough about it.

pardon the political statement, but i think it's fitting: yes we can.