Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You wanna trade?

I've always heard that doing pro bono work is an excellent way to build up a resume and make lots of important connections, as well as get your name and your work out and about. What I haven't heard much about is bartering my "free" services.

Katie Sullivan, from Kick PR, wrote a guest piece for PR Couture discussing her experience with Portland Fashion Week and how in doing her pro bono work she was able to actually trade her services for quality clothing. In an industry where young and budding fashion designers are a dime a dozen and money is extrememly tight, PR services are desperately needed, but are not saved much room in the budget. Whilst working with PFW, Sullivan acquired an opportunity to help and work for Leanne Marshall (the most recent winner of Bravo's Project Runway). Leanne didn't have any money for public relations, and after seeing her work and falling in love with her designs, Sullivan took her on as a client under the conditions that she could trade her services for clothes.

Reading about Sullivan's work with Leanne and PFW was truly inspiring. Working with budding designers and building their contacts and brand is a challenging and exciting endeavor to take on, and if the designer is someone I believe in and care about helping succeed, the work will be much more fulfilling and quality. Not to mention being able to trade my services for chic new designs.


Here's a quick look at Leanne's winning collection!

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