Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me

How many times a day do you check your Facebook/MySpace/Twitter/LinkedIn/blog/personal e-mail/school e-mail/professional e-mail? More than you should? Not enough? I don't know about you, but I'm constantly on the internet keeping updated on recent happenings/tweets/comments. There's no doubt about it, staying on top of all these avenues for communication can be time consuming and a lot of work. Some would even say these networks are robbing us of our abilities to make connections and communicate on a personal level.

According to Jeremy over at POP! PR Jots, we are "slaves to technology". He encourages his readers to turn off the computer and pick up the phone or actually make the effort to meet in person and discuss business.

To his assertions about technology and its role in PR today, I say this: technology is a very important tool with the supercharged pace at which business these days is conducted. That's just the way it is. Sure relationships with those of the press are important aspects that need to be nurtured and looked after on a more personal level (i.e. the telephone or an actual meeting), but for day-to-day work/planning/research/etc. the computer and the significant number of networks available online are incredibly important and do an excellent job at aiding those in the PR field with theirs.

What do you think? Do you think those in the PR field rely too much on technology or do you feel it's necessary?



Mitchell Davis said...

i'm not sure it's possible to rely too much on technology in a field dominated by it. I will agree that face to face meetings etc. are important. In fact, they may create more significant opportunities with clients than something online would. BUT, there is of course something to be said for the quantity of people that can be reached online.

I don't think there is a big enough gap between quantity and quality to say that there is too much reliance on technology.

Also, every time i read this blog title, i can't but sing it to the same tune as the oldie "bend me, shape me, anyway you want me!"

Mitchell Davis said...

woops - "bend me shape me anyway you want to....."