Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wise words from India

Because clients can be difficult and opinions have a tendency to clash, interactions between PR practitioners and their clients can sometimes be a bit strained. In her entry, PR with Sahridayas, Madhavi Mukherjee from India PR Blog discusses the ancient Indian theory of communication called Sadharanikaran (say that three times fast). I love the idea of their being an open flow of communication between the audience and those targeting them. It's a give and take on both ends that both parties benefit from. I hope you'll take some time to read the entry and get a better idea of what Sadharanikaran is all about.




Ginger Carter Miller said...

Very cool. Love the picture

PJ Schinella said...

Amanda, this is so you! Maybe our group could go over these techniques before out next meeting :)

Merily said...

You look cute! :D